Hatchet Totem

Hatchet Totem

Ability — Enhancement — 1 Health — Play Cost: 2

Class Restriction: Shaman

Ongoing: When Hatchet Totem enters play, put an Axe weapon token into play with 4 Melee Damage ATK, 1 strike cost, and Melee (1) if Hatchet Totem is in play. When Hatchet Totem leaves play, remove that Axe from the game.

Remove that Axe from the game even if Hatchet Totem has no powers as it leaves play.

"Don't be fooled by unarmed shaman; they have more tricks up their sleeves than you may think." - Keward

Art by: Lars Grant-West

Tournament Legality:

  • Legal in Classic
Fields of Honor (64-R)