Format: Contemporary
Deck played by: Erik Kaleta
Place: Top 4 of 131 participants
Hero (1)
1x Medivh the Corrupted Uncommon
Ally (27)
4x Bazul, Herald of the Fel Uncommon
3x Jadefire Scout Common
2x Jeishal Uncommon
2x Maazhum Common
3x Rufus Claybourne Rare
4x Sardok Common
3x Shadowseer Calista Uncommon
2x Shandris Feathermoon Rare
4x Vakus the Inferno Rare
Ability (25)
3x Banish Soul Uncommon
4x Boundless Hellfire Rare
2x Curse of the Fel Rare
2x Legacy of Betrayal Epic
4x Life Tap Uncommon
4x Nightfall Rare
4x Spy of Kilrogg Common
2x Summoning Portal Rare
Equipment (4)
4x Bottled Void Common
Quest (4)
4x If You're Not Against Us ... Common