Format: Contemporary
Deck played by: Remi Lacorre
Place: Top 16 of 131 participants
Hero (1)
1x Warlord Grok'thol Uncommon
Ally (34)
3x Archimonde, Hand of Sargeras Epic
3x Commander Ulthok Epic
3x Doom Commander Zaakuul Epic
4x Edwin VanCleef Epic
4x Gnash Rare
2x Lockmaw Rare
2x Obsidian Drudge Common
3x Pygmy Firebreather Common
3x Pygmy Pyramid Epic
3x Shade of Aran Rare
1x Thrall the World-Shaman Epic
3x Vanessa VanCleef Rare
Ability (9)
1x Call of Lightning Uncommon
4x Earthquake Rare
4x Monstrous Strike Common
Equipment (10)
4x Devout Aurastone Hammer Rare
4x Kaz'rogal's Hardened Heart Rare
2x Venerable Mass of McGowan Rare
Location (3)
3x Shadowfang Keep Rare
Quest (4)
4x Seeds of Their Demise Common