Format: Contemporary
Deck played by: William Ronk
Place: Top 16 of 130 participants
Hero (1)
1x Wildseer Varel Uncommon
Ally (31)
4x Archdruid Fandral Staghelm Rare
3x Faenis the Tranquil Rare
3x Garet Vice Common
4x Jarod Shadowsong Rare
3x Khadgar Rare
4x Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest Epic
3x Loriam Argos Common
4x Magni, the Mountain King Epic
3x Shandris Feathermoon Rare
Ability (23)
4x Avatar of the Wild Epic
3x Gift of the Earthmother Rare
3x Innervate Rare
3x Malfurion's Gift Rare
3x Mark of Restoration Uncommon
3x Mark of the Untamed Uncommon
4x Nature's Focus Common
Location (3)
3x Shadowfang Keep Rare
Quest (3)
3x The Path to the Dragon Soul Common